Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wave Optics

1. WAVEFRONT: The locus of every one of those molecule which are vibrating in same phaseat any moment is known as wavefront.

2. It is said that Thomas Young, who initially showed nature of light, could read by age of two and read yhe book of scriptures twice in his initial years.

3. With the present phase of innovation: It is unimaginable yo see impedance of light from two free light source.

4. In any case, it is conceivable to recognize electronically interferance of two autonomous sources, as exhibited by Brown and Twiss in 1952.

5. A monochromatic wellspring of light will give light of one and only wavelength.

6. Keeping in mind the end goal to have two coherant shafts, a solitary wellspring of light is part into two by strategy for wavefront part or ampliyude part.

7. NICOL PRISM: A nicol crystal is made by cutting a calcite precious stone unquestionably.

8. It produces captivated light similarly as plarised does.

9. PLANE OF VIBRATION: The plane inside which the vibration of the captivated light are limited is known as plane of vibration.

10. PLANE OF Polarization: A plane at right edges to the plane of vibration and going through the course of proliferation of light is known as the plane of polarization.

11. ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY: A light wave is an electromagnetic wave in which the electric and attractive fields are commonly opposite to each other and them two thus are opposite to the heading of engendering of the wave.

12. DIFFRACTION OF LIGHT: The marvel of twisting of light waves around corners and spreading into the districts of geometrical shadow is called diffraction of light.

13. Determining POWER OF A TELESCOPE: The determining force of a telescope is characterized as the proportional of the littlest precise seperation betwen to far off items whose pictures are particularly obvious through the telescope.

14. Determining POWER OF A MICROSCOPE: It is characterized as the proportional of the littlest between two point questions whose pictures are simply determined by the obejective of the magnifying instrument.

15. Polarization: A wave showing diverse properties in various bearing is said to be captivated and this wonder is alluded to as polarization.

16. ROTATORY Polarization: The property of substance by righteousness of which it turns the plane of polarization of a plane energized light emission is known as the optical action or rotatory polarization.

17. Sub-atomic ROTATION: IT is the result of the particular revolution and the sub-atomic weight of the substance.

18. Particular ROTATION: It is characterized as the measure of pivot created by an answer of unit length containing unit mass of the optically dynamic substance per unit volume of the arrangement OR It is characterized as the turn delivered by 1mm thick quartz plate.

19. COHERANT SOURCE OF LIGHT: Two light are said to be coherantif these discharge light of the same recurrence which have consistent or same stage contrast.

Alternating Current

Exchanging CURENT

1. Exchanging CURRENT: It is the present which differs in both greatness and also on the other hand and periodically.The quick is given by I = Ioωt ; where Io =peak worth or most extreme estimation of AC.

2. Substituting VOLTAGE: It is the emf which fluctuates in both greatness and in addition in course on the other hand and occasionally.

3. Normal force utilization in unadulterated inductive and immaculate capacitive circuit is equivalent to zero.

4. TRANSFORMER: It is an electrical gadget which changes over low substituting voltage to high rotating voltage and the other way around. Its working depends on the essential of common prompting.

5. POWER: The rate of vitality exchange between coursing charge and the circuit is known as the force.

6.IDLE CURRENT: If because of the stream of current in a circuit ,the normal force devoured is zero ,the current is said to honey bee unmoving or wattless.

7. Recurrence OF A SERIES RESONANT CIRCUIT: An arrangement RLC circuit is said to honey bee in reverberation when the current has its most extreme worth.

8. Gag COIL: An inductor utilized as a part of an air conditioner circuit to control current is known as a stifle loop.

9. COPPER LOSS: This is the vitality lost as warmth (I2Rt) in the essential and auxiliary loops of copper when current goes through them . This misfortune can be minimized by ussing thick copper wire for the essential and optional windings.

10. IRON LOSS: This is the vitality squandered as warmth because of the development of whirlpool streams in the iron center of the transformer. This misfortune is likewise called the vortex current misfortune . To diminish this misfortune ,the center is made of covered sheets of delicate iron protected from each other.

11. HYSTERESIS LOSS: This is because of the iron center experiencing rehashed cycles of magnetisation and demagnetisation while exchanging emf is connected to the essential . This misfortune ca be diminished to a base by selecting the material for the center which has a tight hysteresis circle.

12. Normal and rms estimation of air conditioning current and voltage:

an) Averaqge or mean estimation of air conditioning current and voltage: The normal estimation of air conditioning is that enduring current which sends the same measure of charge through a circuit, in a period equivalent to a fraction of the time of air conditioning , as is sent by air conditioning through the same circuit in the same time.

b) Root mean square (rms) esteem, successful or virtual estimation of air conditioning current and voltage :that estimation of consistent current which produces the same measure of warmth in a resistance as is created by the exchanging current while coursing through the same resistence in the same time is called rms esteem , powerful esteem, or the virtual estimation of air conditioning.

13. Sorts of Transformer there are two sorts of transformers:

(a) Step-up Transformer It changes over low exchanging voltage into low substituting voltage.

(b) Step-down Transformer It changes over high exchanging voltage into substituting voltage.


1) Atoms should be indissoluble the littlest conceivable unit of matter.

2) PROUT'S HYPOTHESIS: In 1815, Prout found that nuclear weights of fog of the components were basic products of the nuclear weight of hydrogen.He, in this manner, suggested that each component is comprised of hydrogen atoms.This theory was disposed of when certain components were found to have fragmentary nuclear weights.

3) IMPACT PARAMETER AND ANGLE OF SCATTERING: Impact parameter is characterized as the opposite separation of the speed vector of a α-molecule from the focal point of the core (when the α-molecule is far from the iota).

4) CONTINUOUS SPECTRUM: It comprise of consistent wavelength inside a distinct extent as on account of noticeable light.It is likewise called the white range.

5) SHARP LINE SPECTRUM: It comprise of gatherings of sharp lines of distinct wavelength, superimposed over the consistent range.

6) EXCITED STATE: The procedure in which electron of a particle moves to a circle of more prominent vitality in the wake of retaining some vitality is called e excitation of the molecule and the itself is said to in the energized state.

7) IONIZED STATE: The procedure in which an electron of the particle is legitimately expelled from it abandoning a net positive charge on it is known as the ionization of the molecule and this state is called ionized state.

8) ATOMIC SPECTRA: The branch of material science that arrangements with the examination of the wavelengths and intensities of e.m.radiation radiated or consumed by iotas is called nuclear spectra.

9) THOMSON MODEL OF ATOM: Sir J.J. Thomson contemplated the marvel of release of power through gasses at low weights, alongside the nature and properties of cathode beams and positive beams. On the premise of his examinations, he proposed in 1907 what is currently called Thomson's plum-pudding model of a molecule. As per this model, a particle comprises of circle of span of the request of 10-10 m. The particles in charge of the mass of the molecule convey positive charge and are circulated consistently over the sphere.The adversely charged particles, called electrons, are inserted inside the iota .Every molecule is electrically impartial so that the aggregate positive charge on a molecule is equivalent to aggregate negative charge on it.

Thomson's model couldn't clarify:

a) The emanation of phantom lines from the molecules,

b) The substantial edge scrambling of α-particles by dainty metal foils.

10) Dalton's Atomic Theory: John Dalton, in 1808, set forward his hypothesis, as per which:

i) All concoction components are made out of small particles, called iotas. these particles can't be subdivided further and

ii) Atoms of a specific component take after each other while iotas of various components contrast from each other.

No one genuinely scrutinized Dalton's hypothesis until about the start of the twentieth century.

Cummunication System

1. Correspondence: An essential particular component of current human advancement in the accessibility and broad usage of correspondence or information transfers procedure of transmission and gathering of data over amplified separations.

2. Simple SIGNAL: A sign in which data is changed into a voltage or current that fluctuates constantly and easily over a scope of worth is called a simple sign.

3. Correspondence CHANNEL: A framework includes transmitter, correspondence channel and recipient.

4. Advanced SIGNAL: A sign that can make discrete stride astute qualities is known as a computerized signal.

5. TRANSDUCER: A transducer is a gadget that changes over some physical variable like weight, relocation, power, temperature, and so on into relating variety in electrical sign at its yield.

6. TRANSMITTER: It handle the approaching message flag and makes it appropriate for transmission through a channel and ensuing gathering.

7. Intensification: The procedure of expanding the adequacy and therefore the quality of a sign is called enhancement.

8. Reception apparatus: A recieving wire or airborne emanates or gets radio waves

9. Clamor: Stray undesirable voltages and current which irritate transmission and preparing of message constitute commotion.

10. TRANSMITTER: It changes over the message signal created by the wellspring of data into a structure reasonable for transmission and gathering.

11. Station: It is the connection between the transmitter and the recipient .The station must be in links, wires, or remote.

12. Recipient: It gets the transmitted sign, separate concentrates the first message signal from it and after that conveys to it the receptor .

13. Telecast: It is the mode in which correspondence happens through connection between a solitary transmitter and various recipients.

14. Data transmission OF A SIGNAL: The scope of frequencies involved by a sign is known as the transfer speed of a sign.

15. Data transmission OF A TRANSMITTING MEDIUM: The scope of frequencies offered by a transmitting medium is known as the transfer speed of transmitting medium.

16. GROUND WAVE (SURFACE WAVE): In ground wave engendering, the radio waves are guided by the earth and go along its bended surface from transmitter to beneficiary.

17. SKY WAVE (IONOSPHERIC WAVE): In sky wave proliferation, the radio wave ventures sky wards and if its recurrence is beneath sure basic recurrence, it is come back to the earth by ionosphere.

18. SPACE WAVE: In space wave proliferation, the radio wave goes in a straight line from transmitting reception apparatus to the accepting recieving wire.

19. Tweak: The procedure of superimposing the low recurrence message signal on a high recurrence wave is called regulation.

20. REPEATER: In correspondence, extent is of awesome significance. To expand the extent, use is made of a repeater which is a blend of a transmitter and recipient.

Current Electricity

1. ELECTRIC CURRENT: The coordinated rate of stream of charge is know as electric current.

2. OHM'S LAW: At consistent temperature , the potential distinction V over the finishes of a given metallic wire (conduit) in a circuit (electric) is specifically corresponding to the present coursing through it.


where, I=current,

R= resistance.

3. CURRENT DENSITY j=∆I/∆A current thickness is a vector amount .

4. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY: The resistivity of certain metal or composite drops to zero when they are frosty beneath a specific temperature.

5. CONDUCTIVITY: The equal of resistivity is known as the electrical conductivity of the material.

6. Portability: Mobility is characterized as the greatness of float speed per unit electric field.

7. Interior RESISTANCE OF A CELL: The resistance offered to the stream of current by he electrolyte of the cell is known as the inward resistance of the cell.

8. THE ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE ( EMF) OF A CELL: The measure of work done by a phone in moving a unit positive charge through it from lower potential(negative terminal) to higher potential(positive terminal) is called its electromotive power.

9. POTENTIOMETER: An instrument utilized for measuring precisely the emf or potential distinction is called potentiometer.

10. WHEATSTONE BRIDGE : A system with four resistances P, Q, R, and masterminded , with a phone of emf Є between the focuses an and C and a galvanometer G amongst B and D, is called wheatstone span.

11. Gathering OF CELLS : keeping in mind the end goal to determine most extreme current under given condition, cells can be assembled in the accompanying there various ways.

I. Arrangement GROUPING : various celles are said to be associated in arrangement if negative shaft of one is associated with the positive post of the other et cetera.

II. PARALLEL GROUPING : various cells are said to be gathered in parallel if positive shafts of every one of them are associated with one point and the negative posts to another point.

III. Blended GROUPING : various cells are said to be put in blended gathering in the event that some of them are associated in arrangement and some of them in parallel.

12. RESISTOR( WIRE WOUND AND CARBON RESISTOR): Any object of a directing material having a resistance of craved worth is known as a resistor.

Two noteworthy sorts of resistors are:

a) There are made by winding the wires of some composites on a reasonable base the normally utilized compounds are:

I. Maganin (Cu:84%,Mn:12% and Ni:4%)

II. Constantan (Cu:60%, Ni:40%)

III. Nichrome (Ni:60%,Fe:26%,Cr:12% ,Mn:2%)

The organization changes and the rates given are estimated.

b) CARBON RESISTOR: These are made by embellishment carbon with an appropriate restricting operator into a barrel. Wire leads are joined to the whole resistor is encased in an artistic or plastic coat. They are minimized and have ease.

Dual Nature

1. WORK FUNCTION: The base vitality that must be supplied to free the most pitifully bound surface electrons from a metal without giving any surface speed is called work capacity of the metal.

2. PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT: The marvel of discharge of electrons by a decent number of substances, mostly metals, when light of appropriate wavelength falls on them is known as the photoelectric impact.

3. Immersion CURRENT: The greatest estimation of the photoelectric current is known as the immersion current.

4. CUT-OF: The hindering potential for which the photoelectric current gets to be zero is known as the cut –of or halting potential for the relating recurrence of the occurrence light.

5. Limit FREQUENCY: The base estimation of the recurrence of light underneath which the photoelectric outflow stops totally, howsoever huge might be the force of light, is known as the edge recurrence.

6. THERMIONIC EMISSION: The arrival of electrons from a metal as an aftereffect of its temperature,i.e.,by warming is called thermionic discharge.

7. FIELD EMISSION : It is a sort of electron outflow in which an extremely solid electric field hauls the electrons out of the metal surface.

8. PHOTOELECTRIC EMISSION: It is that sort of electron outflow in which light reasonable recurrence discharges the electron from a metal surface.

9. A photon of 1242 NM wavelength has a vitality of 1 eV . A light of wavelength (1242/4)=310.5nm has a vitality of 4eV etc.

10. Precise MOMENTUM: Angular energy of ans iota changes when a proton is transmitted or ingested. since precise force must be monitored, we infer that the proton required in the process must convey rakish energy. henceforth a proton has vitality , direct force and precise energy.

11. It is enticing to recall the traditional meaning of energy, mv and compose p = mc for the proton , yet we don't have esteem for the photon's mass. truth be told , we can so that the rest mass of a proton must be zero.

12. COMPTON EFFECT: Compton impact is the wonder in which the wavelength of the radiation scattered by a component is more noteworthy than that of episode radiation.

13. Since Planck's consistent (H) has a greatly little esteem, the wave way of material particles can't be watched unless the molecule is to a great degree little.

14. PHOTOELECTRIC CELL: A gadget which changes over light vitality into electric vitality is known as a photoelectric cell.

There are two sorts of photoelectric cell.

a) HIGH VACUUM TYPE: This kind of cell has just about a prompt reaction o the variety of light however gives an extremely weak current.

b) GAS FILLED TYPE: This kind of cell has poor reaction to variety of light yet it produces a high present.

Electric Charges

1. Benjamin Franklin presented two sorts of charges in particular positive charge and negative charge in light of frictional power.

2. QUANTIFICATION OF CHARGE : Quantization of charge exists in discrete sum instead of constant worth and thus quantized scientifically ,charge on an article q=±ne, where ,n is a whole number and e is an electronic charge .

3. Preservation OF CHARGE : The aggregate charge a detached framework dependably stays consistent.

4. COULOMB'S LAW : It expresses that the electrostatic power of collaboration or aversion acting between to stationary point charges is given by -


where,q1 q2 are the stationary point charges and r is the detachment between them in air or vacuum.

5. Electrostatic power (or coulombian strengths) are traditionalist powers .

6. ELECTRIC DIPOLE : Two point charges of same extent and inverse nature isolated by a little separation by and large structures an electric dipole.

7. Coulomb utilized a torsion parity to perform his analyses .comparative gadget was utilized by Cavendish years after the fact to concentrate on gravitational power .

8. Coulomb could demonstrate that the estimation of the example of r (in F=ke (q1q2/r2) was 2 inside an instability of a couple percent. present day tests have demonstrated that the example is 2 to an exactness of a couple part in 1016. test by William , Fallar and Hall in 1971 demonstrated that the example of r in coulomb law is (2+sigma) .

9. Extremity OF CHARGE : The property of which separates the two sort of charge is known as the extremity of the charge.

10. The plastic brush can be charge by running it through dry hair ,look over is a swap for glass bar and the hair for the skin.

11. Home purifiers utilize the electric power to lessen the dust , microbes and other particulate noticeable all around .The electric power expel electrons from the contaminations making them emphatically charge .These particles are pulled in are to adversely charge plate , where the stay until physically evacuate when working legitimately , these purifiers can diminish the particulate level by all the more then 99 percent.

12. Electric lines of power fanciful bends attracted electric field along which a unit positive test charge tends to move .The digression to a line of power anytime gives the course of electric field anytime.

13. QUARKS : Quarks are genuinely basic particles which convey charges that are divisions of electronic charge.

14. ELECTRIC FIELD INTENSITY : Electric field power at point encompassing the charge q is characterized as the power per unit positive charge in the field.

15. S.I. unit of charge is coulomb (C).